Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ring of Kerry

God created a wonderful and beautiful world.

Was is not so wonderful and beautiful is planning. Catherine and I had spent a couple of days in Dublin and we were running out of things to do. We wanted to make the most out of our time in Ireland.

I suggested that we take a day trip. Ireland is a small country, so doing a day trip is very easy. I had gone on tours with Paddy Wagon in the past and always had a good time; I suggested that we look into a day trip with them.

We decided to go on a Ring of Kerry tour. I was suppose to go with my German friend, Nina, but I was sick for a couple of days and we had to cancel. I heard great things about it, so we booked our tickets.

The horrible part was that we had to be at the bus stop at 6 am. That meant we had to wake up at 5 am! Luckily we did! Last night we bought some Monsters to help us out.

Our group loaded until a medium size shuttle. The shuttle was mostly full.

We had a couple hour drive in front of us. I dose most of the time.

After a couple hour drive we arrived in Killarney. This is where most tours start the Ring of Kerry. Nina wanted to stay a night in Killarney to explore the town. There are some sights to see, but nothing major. It is all about scenery.

We stopped in front of the Paddy Wagon office in Killarney. Here we were able to use the rest room. The office was also a mini hostel. The bathrooms were in various rooms and the one I had to use, the light didn't work so I had to keep the door open. An older lady said that she would stand guard of the room while I went. I returned the favor.

This mother and daughter team, who we later learned was Canadian, ran off to get some food and we had to wait for them. This was only one of the atrocities that they committed against the group.

Some people left our shuttle and others joined us. Once everyone was settled, we started the tour. Our guide was awesome! He was really laid back and kept saying that is was going to be a really relaxing trip and not to worry. I took great comfort in this because I was really tired!

Our first stop was to the Gap of Dunloe. The gap was formed over 2 million years ago by a slow moving glacier. We stopped to take some pictures and there was horses around us. There was an opportunity to take a horse ride later, but no one went.

Catherine and I asked the driver what exactly was the significance of our stopped and he said that he didn't really know. It was just to take a picture and that he had to stop because the itinerary said that we went there. I laughed at his honesty.

The Ring of Kerry is about the scenery. We drove around, stopping here and there for pictures. Our guide didn't say much. The only thing bad was that the weather was not the best. It was very overcast and it rained off and on. But it didn't ruin the beauty of the region.

The Canadian team also proved to be entertaining. They sat at the front of the shuttle and had multiple conversations with the driver. At one point they asked if we were going to see any rings of the tour. Really? Didn't they know that the ring refers to the route we take?

The mother asked if the driver knew something. He said no and then she replied, "okay, well I will tell you." Why would you ask a question you already knew the answer too? Catherine and I really didn't like her.

For lunch we stopped in the small town of Waterville. Charlie Chaplin loved coming here. It is a small town that sits on the waterfront. When we got to Waterville, it was very cold, windy and wet. Catherine and I ventured down to the water to get the pictures out of the way and then seek shelter in the restaurant. I notice that this one Australian girl was by herself. I know what it is like to do a tour by yourself and lunch time is the worst. It is like you are in middle school again thinking about where you are going to sit and eat. We ran into her by the water and I invited her to eat lunch with us. Her name was Penny and she accepted the invitation. The Canadian team took a while by the water.

The only restaurant by the waterfront was The Lobster and it proved to be good. It was warm and relaxing. I got a seafood chowder and it was really good! Penny proved to be a very nice girl.

After a quick lunch we were on the road again. We stopped at Coomatloukane where there is a large statue of the Virgin Mary.

We enjoyed more of the beauty of county Kerry and then stopped at a small town for a break. It had great scenery! There was a river going through the center of the town and great photos were taken!

While we were hanging out, it started to rain. My group took cover under this overhang while we waited for our driver to come back to the bus. The funny this was that the driver was in another bus talking to the lady driver. We all laughed that he was hitting on her. Our driver was classic and we all liked him.

More beauty of the country was enjoyed until we came to our last stop. It was a small town outside Killarney. By the end of the trip, Catherine and I had gotten to know Penny better. It was us three and this other young, Australian girl on our tour, that joined together to explore the town.

It was wet and cold and we wanted somewhere to sit. We walked around a little until we settled on a small coffee shop. I got a carmel macchiatto and it was really good!

Catherine and I talked with Penny and the Australian girl and they turned out to be very interesting! Penny was traveling Europe for around 6 weeks. After Ireland she was going to fly to London. I think we might have the same flight! It would be hilarious if we do! After London she is going to Italy.

The other Aussie was studying abroad in England for the semester and was traveling around before school started.

My favorite part of the conversation was that we shredded the Canadian mother/daughter team. The Aussie said that she thought that they were the Americans and that my sister and I were the Canadians. Don't call me Canadian and don't follow stereotypes. No one liked them and we just bonded over how much we hated the team. It was mostly the mother we didn't like because the daughter barely talked. The mother was just rude and always asking ridiculous questions. They were also always late.

Aussie and Penny decided to walk around and do some shopping. My sister and I stayed at the cafe for a little longer and then took a short stroll around the town.

Soon it was time to leave and the Canadian team was late as usual.

The mother continued her reputation of saying ridiculous things. I caught glimpses of a conversation that sounded like she didn't respect or understand other cultures and didn't care if she understood them.

One of the best questions of the mother was that she asked the driver if there was any bears outside. Why would people let their sheep out if there were bears? My personal favorite is she asked why we didn't see any potatoes. Because they grow underground?

We headed back to the Paddy Wagon Tour office in Killarney to drop off Aussie and some other people. The Aussie wished us luck in dealing with the Canadians on our journey back to Dublin. I was hoping the Canadians would leave us, but my wish did not come true.

The couple hour drive back to Dublin was interesting. We had a different driver than our driver on the tour. This driver drove us to Killarney and back to Dublin. He was a young, soccer player with the need for speed. He drove so fast back to Dublin we were scared! Penny said that he drove that way to Killarney, but I didn't notice because I was mostly sleeping! haha.

Luckily we arrived in Dublin safely. It had been a long day, so Catherine and I got something to eat quick, relaxed in the hostel and then went to bed.

The Ring of Kerry tour through Paddy Wagon is very enjoyable and I would highly recommend it! It is great for those looking for a relaxing, scenic drive!

Tomorrow I will post the pictures :)

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