Thursday, September 1, 2011


The day has come and my sister is finally in Ireland!

I was really excited to have my sister come over. When I was in Hungary, I had mixed feelings about my sister coming over, mostly because it signaled that my time had ended in Hungary and I didn't want that. This time I was so excited to have her! With the drama with one of my friends and the gloomy weather getting to me, I was looking forward to having a familiar face and starting a new adventure.

My sister's flight got in a little after 9 am. I was out until 4 am, so to say I was tired was an understatement. But I was able to get myself out of bed and on time to the airport. When I was in Hungary the public transport system took forever and I was late getting her, but this time the system was nice to me.

I waited for my sister, Catherine, to come out of the doors. It was the same doors that I came through and was stranded with no one to pick me up. It was also the same place in which I had to say goodbye to my best friend in Ireland, Stephanie. Needless to say, this place did not hold good memories for me.

But I was so excited to see Catherine walk through the doors. My sister doesn't like to hug or really show any emotions, so I had to keep mine in check. Though we had been separated for months, it seemed like we had hang out all the time. Nothing had changed.

We headed out the building to the buses. The tricky part of this was dealing with the suitcase. Suitcases always get in the way.

It wasn't too long of a bus ride to my apartment and Catherine caught me up with what was going on back home.

Catherine was tired and I was tired from staying out late the last couple of nights, so we both took a nap.

I woke up in the early afternoon and contacted my English friends to hang out. He basically said not to hang out with them, that they had the lay out of the city and didn't need me. I was really hurt by this. I was looking forward to hanging out with them. These friends seemed to be the only truly legit people I have met in Ireland. Oh well. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe I will be able to hang out with them in London.

After our naps, my sister and I went to the Omni Shopping Center. This is a sad excuse for a mall. I told my sister to embrace herself and not to expect too much. We just walked around to kill some time. We went to Tescos, the grocery store, to get some water and snacks. I also needed a new book and we popped our heads into the bookstore.

We then went back to my apartment so I could continue to pack and Catherine could relax.

Later I took Catherine to Mr. Perris, the best place in Santry to get something to eat. Everything in Santry closes so early, but not Mr. Perris! It is open late and for that I will forever love it! Mr. Perris is a local fast food place. They have fries, and fry specials, hamburgers, chicken and many more options! I usually get the chicken tenders. My friends and I have gone there so many times that the ladies started to recognize us! haha!

We got dinner and then just hang out at my apartment.

I can't believe that my time in Ireland is slowly coming to an end. I feel as if I have been here forever. In Hungary I was not ready to go home and resented going home, but I feel that I have experienced Ireland the most that I could and I am ready to explore the U.K. and to go back home :)

Best children's book. haha!

Mr. Perris!

Last Mr. Perris' meal :(. Catherine got a hamburger and I got my chicken tenders.

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