Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My adventures with my English friends continues.

After going to Cafe En Seine, we headed to the International Bar. There, they were having an open mic night, so we were able to listen to a variety of music. Most of the music was very calm and soothing, which is fine, but I was really tired and I needed something up beat.

The bar closed a little after midnight and the boys still wanted to do something. I told them that in Ireland bars close at midnight and after the only place to go is to a club. They said they were up to going to a club. That meant I had to show them a club.

The only club that I knew of was Coppers. I was hesitant to take them there because one of my American friends had told me that Coppers had a seedy reputation for people going there only to hook up. But honestly, what club has a good, clean and innocent reputation? And isn't that the whole point of going to be a club is to act like someone who you are not normally?

I have gone to Coppers a few times in the past and I have always enjoyed myself. I never saw anyone really having sex on the dance floor or anything. I just hung out with my friends and had a fun time.

So, after walking up and down the street a couple of times, I decided just to take my friends there.

Coppers is right past St. Stephen's Green. It is somewhat hard to find because it is in a Georgian House and they all blend in from the street. But you know it is Coppers because you will see a line of people waiting to get in. We stood in this line and I was very nervous about getting in. Back home in the States, you have to be dressed to impressed in order to even get into the club. Luckily, in Ireland they really don't care about your style.

At the entrance of Coppers, security guards will check your I.D. before you enter. Usually when I go to Coppers I enter through the main door that opens to the first floor. This time I had to go through the bottom level entrance.

Every time I have gone to Coppers I have paid different amounts for entrance fees. The first time I went I had to pay 10 Euro. One time I got in for free and this time I had to pay 5 Euro. I believe that since it was during the week, the admission was cheaper. The 10 Euro entrance fee is for the weekends. When I didn't have to pay to get in, I was there before midnight. So my recommendation is if you don't want to pay an entrance fee, then get there before midnight.

After paying our fees we entered the bottom level. Whenever I have gone to Coppers, I have always spent the majority of the time on this level. It is a huge dance floor with a major bar. The music is a wide variety, but good dance music is always playing. I love it because they usually play some 90's music that brings you back to the good old days of N'SYNC!

We spent some time here then we went upstairs. Today there was a rock band playing. I was really happy because this is the kind of music that I like and it was so much better than the calming music back at the International Bar. My friends and I were up there for a while listening and enjoying the music.

This was the first time that I had seen a live band at Coppers. Whereas downstairs there is a lot of dancing going on, I have always felt that upstairs is where people go to get drinks and do more talking and only a little dancing.

We also did some exploring of the upstairs. Right by the stairs to go downstairs, there was this outside place where people go to smoke or enjoy some "fresh" air. There seemed to be all these lights everywhere and it made it hard to see what was actually going on.

Once the band was over, we headed back downstairs to keep enjoying the music and we stayed until the place closed around 3:30 am.

Don't worry about calling a cab. There is always a line outside of cabs waiting for people.

Though some people going through Dublin might hear that Coppers have a sketchy reputation, I believe that you make the experience. If you really want a sketchy experience, you can find it at Coppers, or anywhere else, for that matter. But if you want to have a great evening of dancing and hanging out with friends, then Coppers will not let you down! Like I said, I have gone there multiple times and I have always enjoyed myself!

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