Thursday, June 2, 2011

Packing: An Epic Battle

Packing is a whole room event
What are beds for?

One of the least favorite things I like about travel is packing. I would more describe it as a love hate relationship. I love packing because it means that I am going somewhere different. I love seeing my big, black suitcase because it means a new adventure is about to take place. My black suitcase means that I am going to be gone for a while and that usually means Europe!

I hate packing because it takes time and can be very stressful. What do I need to bring and what can I do without? I guess I concentrate too much on the "what if" scenarios and that causes me to over pack. I always over pack!

This time around I started packing a week before hand and would work on it a little bit each day. I leave tomorrow and I still have so much stuff to do! Maybe I was meant to be a procrastinator.

Lets think about this. Even when I try to start in advance I always end up completing everything at the last minute. I guess I just have to have that sense of urgency to make sure I get everything done!

But I would never recommend to anyone packing at the last minute. The stress is not worth it. It is better to start early so you can re pack many times. I know it sounds dumb, but re packing makes sure that you can fit a lot of stuff and to get rid of the things that you don't need.

Lists are always good too while packing. It will help you keep track of what you have and what you need.

Pack shoes at the bottom.

For this trip I am bringing my beloved big, black suitcase as well as a duffel. The duffel was my parents' suggestion and I hate it! It has no balance so it always falls to the ground.

My sister told me that I had no advice to give to people regarding packing. She said to lists what I did and tell people to do the opposite. I guess the bottom line is don't procrastinate!

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