Friday, May 27, 2011

Grandma, Mom, Me: This is For You

To write one must have an audience. Even if you don't plan to write to anyone, you still have someone in mind while you write.

I have always viewed writing as being essential. I have often thought that I have been born in the wrong time period. Today society puts too much focus on images of various kinds whether it is through fashion or pictures in a magazine. Writing is not valued anymore. The writing that is valued is horrible, lame and simple. Just think "Twilight" and I have made my case. There was a time when poets and other writers were the most important people of all society because it was believed that they had special powers and abilities.

But I digress... You get it. Writing is important and that is why I am writing this blog. It combines two of my passions, travel and writing, into one so that others may enjoy it.

Though I hope that many people read my blog and enjoy it, there are only a select few that I can truly say that I want to impress. The first would have to be my Grandma. She is one of the people that have encouraged my love and passion for travel. My favorite trip of all time was going to Poland with Grandma to see the place where her family came from. She has always loved to travel and has always taken an interest in my travels. Grandma always looked out for me, even thousands of miles away. She sent me essentials of America when I was living in Hungary. Peanut Butter and 3 Musketeer bars made my month when I received them! I want to write to Grandma to make sure that she can share in my wonderful experiences abroad because I know she cares and truly enjoys listening to stories.

My second audience member would be my mother. My mother loves to read blogs, so part of me thought that she might enjoy reading a blog that her daughter wrote. I believe that she will enjoy it to a certain point. Once she reads that I have been to cities that she strictly told me NOT to go to.... that is when the issues will start. Until then, it will be a fun read for her. By writing this blog it will help her keep taps on me so I won't receive e-mails from her telling me that she hasn't talked to me in a while. Just read the blog mom. See, a very practical reason to have a blog: keep moms happy! But in all honesty, without my mom I would not have been able to see the world and my love for travel would have never been realized. She deserves to know what is going on.

And the final audience member is myself. I write for myself so that I can look back on it and remember all the crazy adventures I had; the great people I met and the unforgettable lessons I learned.

Though I can't really predict what the future holds, I know that it is going to be one crazy ride and I can't wait for it! I also can't wait to share it with those who care.

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