Monday, August 8, 2011

A Surprisingly Good Day

Stress and worrying is all for nothing.

I really didn't want to go to work today. I am sick and didn't feel like taking a group of students into town.

Along with that, I had to go with Ros, a fellow activity leader. I have always had a hard time reading Ros. He has a strange way of interacting with people. He acts like whatever he knows and believes is the final word and nothing can change it. He acts like he knows everything. He also believes that I should be able to find my way around Dublin with no problems. If I don't know something or make a mistake, he gets upset.

Needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to going to Phoenix Park with him and the Spanish and Italian students.

The day did not start off well. We were late leaving the college because of the Italian students. I swear, they are in their own little world and are not considerate of other people. Because we were so late, I knew it was going to be a long day and we would not return on time.

Then, when we got into town it started to rain. We were going to the park, that means we had to be outside all day.

When we got to the park, the drama continued. We told the group multiple times that we had to walk fast because we were short on time, but no one was listening to us, especially the Italian students. We pulled the whole group aside and gave them a talk.

We finally got to the White House of Ireland. After taking pictures, we again told the group that we needed to walk fast. I even went up to the Italians and said we needed to go now and follow Ros, who had already left. The teacher then turns to me and asks if we are going to the lake. Obviously, she did not hear a word I said. I just looked at her and walked away. I was done making sure that everyone was together.

Our first destination was the Visitor's Center, where there was a small museum about the history of the park. On the way there, Ros gave me a lecture about how I needed to get them to walk faster. I told him that I had talked with them multiple times and they were not listening. I said I was sick and I wasn't going to keep repeating myself for no use. And he had the easy job. He just had to lead everyone. He was making me make sure everyone was together.

The first part of the group arrived at the Visitor's Center and started the movie. It had taken us 45 minutes to get there. Ros and I had to wait another 15 minutes for the Italians to finally show up. I was beyond mad. It was because of these students that I wasn't enjoying the park.

When the Italians finally showed up to the center, Ros again talked to the leader about the importance of staying together and walking fast. Again, the teacher didn't care.

After the movie and after the students had a chance to look around the Visitor's Center, we headed out to see more of Phoenix Park. The next stop was to see the very large cross that was built when Pope John Paul II came to visit Dublin.

On our way, we passed the Ambassador of the United States' residence. It is literally right across the street from where the Irish President stays. Pablo, the Spanish student's teacher, asked if I wanted a picture with it. I thought it was so cute that he asked, so I had to say yes.

We got to the huge cross and hung out there for 15 minutes. The view at the top of the mount was beautiful. It had been raining earlier that day, but now it was nice and sunny. So pretty. Ros, Pablo and I just stood there and looked around the scenery. It is moments like these that make you pause and think about how you ended up there. How did I end up on a mount with a huge cross; 30 foreign students in the middle of Dublin, Ireland? Whatever may have happened, I am thankful for it.

Our group continued our journey. Ros was taking us a different way to get to a closer bus stop.

The second part of our journey was much more enjoyable then the first part. Ros, Pablo and I stopped caring about the Italian group. We just walked at our normal pace. Once we stopped worrying about things that we couldn't change, we really stared to enjoy the walk.

We kept talking crap about the Italian group.

We pretended to be Bear Grylls in the wild.

An awesome treat was actually seeing deer in the park! I was talking to Ros when all of a sudden he grabbed onto my arm and told me to look at the deer! The deer was actually there for a while and let us get closer to them.

By accident, we found the military fort that was located in the park. Ros said that he never brings any groups to the fort because it is too far away. Yes, we walked a lot. We ended up walking for over 2 hours.

We finally found our bus stop, where there was another treat for us. There was a small kitten that only wanted to play! There was a group of about 10 Italian students all playing with it and the kitten was fine. He didn't back down and he defended his area like a mighty warrior.

It was 7 pm when we finally got back to the college, but in the end it didn't matter. I had a great day and I totally forgot about the time! The day started off bad with being sick and stressing about working with Ros and making sure that the Italians kept up with us. It wasn't until that I stopped stressing about all the small stuff that I was able to really enjoy the day.

Worry and stress are a waste of time.

Phoenix Park

The White House of Ireland. This is where the Irish President lives.

Phoenix Park

Phoenix Park

Spanish students and the Irish White House.

Our beloved Italian group....

Inside the Visitor Center of Phoenix Park. The park was started when Lord Ormonde established a Royal Hunting Park in 1662 for King Charles II. Today, the park is around 1750 acres, making it one of the largest parks in Europe.

The park also housed the military of Ireland.

Charlemont Fabric. Ornamental work was done on cotton and other fabrics in the 18th century.

The chair that was built for when Pope John Paul II visited Ireland.

In the park, the remains of a 9th and 10th century woman were found along with other items.

How the early Irish buried their dead.

Fake skull. Remains have been found in the park.

In 1979, Pope John Paul II came to Dublin and Phoenix Park. It brought millions of people to the park.

Communion bowl that was used in the park.

A murder happened in the park of some high officials in 1882. Chief Secretary of Ireland, Lord Frederick Cavendish and his Undersecretary, Thomas Henry Bruke, were stabbed to death with surgical knives. A small insurgent group, called the Invincibles, were responsible.

Artist interpretation of the stabbing.


Deer prints.

Canon for the military.

The American and the Irish flag at the entrance to the Ambassador of the United States.

Me in front of the entrance to the Ambassador of the United States. Literally, it is right across the street from the President's house.

Entrance to the Ambassador of the United States.

The cross in which millions of people gathered to see Pope John Paul II.

Tall grass that is hard to walk in!

Deer in the park!

Deer. Look like reign deer!

The path we are following.




Laws of the park that were published at the turn of the 2oth century.

Cool door that I had to pass through.

Little kitty! Can I take him home?

All he wants to do is play!

Kitten defending his place!

He fought admirabely. Didn't back down.

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