Friday, August 19, 2011

Proper Etiquette For When You Stay At A Person's House

At one time or another you will probably find yourself staying at a friend's or family's home. It is very nice when a person opens their home to another.

Usually this act of kindness goes unnoticed. I have said it before and I will keep saying it: chivalry is dead and people have forgotten all forms of etiquette.

I recently had a friend that stayed at my place in Dublin. Long story short, I felt that she didn't appreciate the fact that I opened my place to her and I felt as if she took advantage of me.

I want to make sure that this does not happen to anyone else and I want to make sure that you who are reading this, do not act like my friend. Below are some tips that I have learned by staying at others' homes.

1) Give a gift of thanks. ALWAYS, ALWAYS bring a gift as a thank you to your host. This will show your appreciation and that their act of kindness has not gone unnoticed. It does not have to be something big or expensive. If you know the host personally, give them a gift that he or she would enjoy. If you don't know them personally and their of legal age, then a nice bottle of wine will do. Flowers are also nice.

2) Offer to pay for stuff. If the toilet paper runs out or any other supplies that you are using while you are staying at the place runs out, offer to pay for them. This will let the host know that you are not taking advantage of his or her kindness.

3) Don't be a mess! I know I am a messy person, but when I am staying over at another person's house, I really try to be neat. This means cleaning up after yourself when you use the bathroom and the kitchen. Also, make sure your sleeping area is nice and neat. This will show respect to your host's home.

4) Be true to your word: stay the amount you originally agreed upon. My friend overstayed her welcome by six weeks without ever asking me if it was okay. If you ask your host if you can stay for three days, a week, two weeks, whatever, leave when your time is up. If you have to extend your stay, talk to your host about it, but offer to get a hotel.

5) Help around the house. If they are doing chores, offer to help. Don't be a burden.

The simple thing to remember in staying at some one's home is to show your appreciation when you can and not to be a burden. Very simple things :)

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