Friday, June 3, 2011

Travel Days Are the Worst

Today I spent all day traveling to Dublin. Now, like with packing, I have a love/hate relationship with travel days. I hate them because they are long and exhausting, but I love them because they mean I am traveling to a different city.

Though travel days are very exhausting, I was exhausted to begin with. I was stressed with the usual packing and being nervous about going to a foreign country. But on top of all that my brother had to go to the emergency room, so that just added to my stress.

With little sleep I had to wake up and finish packing. I seriously was packing until the final second.

After packing came the dreadful goodbyes. I hate saying goodbye. To my sister it was easy because she is not emotional and I would be seeing her in a month. My mother was a different story. I simply just hugged her because there was nothing that needed to be said. We were both upset that I was leaving.

My goodbye to my mom signaled that it was time for me to leave. The point of leaving my family for the summer was here. After thinking about this moment for months, it was in the present.

My dad and I loaded the car and we headed for the airport. My dad bought me Starbucks, but my stomach was so upset because of how nervous I was that I couldn't drink it. Yes, Caroline Evans did NOT drink coffee.

I was really worried that I was going to be late. We left late and Starbucks had taken additional time out. I kept looking at the clock to see if we were going to make it. I swear the minutes felt like hours. But it was the same feeling that I had when I left for Hungary.

We finally arrived at the airport and I was able to check in. I wanted to go through the security line just to get it over with and to find my gate to make sure I didn't miss it. I also dreaded saying goodbye to my dad. He bought me gum and a snack to kill some time but sooner or later it was time to say goodbye.

I said goodbye to him and jumped into the security line. I kept looking back to dad, but he was too busy looking at his phone. That hurt me.

The security check went by quickly and smoothly. I am always amazed because when I bring my medication, they NEVER ask me about it. I am bring syringes on a plane and you don't questions me about it?

I found the gate that my ticket said I would be boarding from. But as the time approached for my plane to board, I checked to confirm the gate, and sure enough it had changed! Luckily I didn't miss anything. It took them a while to actually board us.

Then it was take off! I was in a three seat aisle, but luckily a person didn't show, so there was room between myself and the gentleman. This usually never happens to me! I didn't do much on the plane, just tried to get some sleep, but that was pointless.

Our plane landed safely in Philadelphia and I went to catch my flight to Dublin. My gate had change once again and of course it was on the opposite side of the airport and the last gate. To top it off, they had changed the type of aircraft so there was a lot of changing of seats. This made a lot of families not too happy because they couldn't sit with one another. I was amazed that the employees were actually trying to help the families! This caused a bit of a mess and if it were me I would have just told the families sorry and that there was nothing that I could do.

With the chaos it took us a while to board, but all the families in the end were happy. I was happy because we were told that there was only one empty seat on the plane and guess where it was. It was between myself and another lady. I really lucked out!

I was really amazed about how many Americans were on the plane! Usually when I go somewhere else, whoever is working on the plane is from there and most of the people on the plane as well. This time, the workers were all American and most of the passengers were Americans going on vacation! To top it off, they even showed a documentary on American treasures! So bizarre!

Like the previous flight, nothing exciting happened. The whole time I tried to sleep but could not find a comfortable position. If only I could sleep on planes! It would make my world so much better!

In Philadelphia I was really nervous and dreaded going to Ireland. Once the plane made its decent into Dublin, I instantly became so excited and couldn't wait to explore!

After the sleepless ride, I landed in Dublin! And the adventure definitely started right off the bat....

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